Experientialist Project Outcome
https://www.theconfidentteacher.com/2016/05/group-work-essential-guide/ During this project, I have learned many things that I can contribute to writing in future opportunities. A couple things I learned is how to research information in more of a detailed and descriptive way. I now know that research doesn't have to be conducted only online, I can actually go out and find the information for myself and learn many other new things in that process as well. I really liked this part of the project because I always thought research had to be boring and time consuming as you would have to roam the internet. I am glad I figured out a couple new ways to do that research. Another thing I learned is how to greater my ability to work in groups. I always loved group projects for the fun of messing around but until the work portion came up I never really knew how to distribute the work evenly so my group would have a strong base and layout.