Blog 4: Motivation

Inspirational success quotes on the mountain sunset background. The secret of getting ahead is getting started


 As I was reading my classmates' blogs, I realized a lot of us are struggling with school at the moment. I definitely relate to this as I feel the pressure of all the work adding up on top of working outside of school. Balancing two demanding things is not an easy thing to do whatsoever. But since I have always had some struggles with balancing multiple things, I have created some strategies that have helped me along the way and maybe they can help you too.

First off, I like to push for doing assignments as soon as possible. Whether it is the day they are assigned or the next day, I make sure I am ahead of my assignments. This is hard to do but once I realize all my assignments are done, I can go to work feeling stress-free knowing I don't have to do anything late at night or rush it the day it is due.  Getting assignments done fast also creates open days. What I call "open days" is a day where I have off work and no assignments for school. This is where I put myself first and do the things I love to keep myself going. Knowing that if I do my work ahead of time gets me an open day keeps me motivated to do my work and be on top of things. 

Another important thing that helps relieve any stress about balancing these struggles is to keep a positive mindset. I know this sounds basic but it actually does help. My motivation to keep on going is to picture myself as a teacher (future career) in a couple years and to think that, if I keep going and pushing along, I will get to where I want to be. Any type of growth or improvement is important, do not compare yourself to others. I have stopped doing this a while ago and it has helped my improve myself and allow me to be successful. Overall, keeping a positive mindset and creating a reward (open day) helps motivate me and allows me to succeed when things get hard. These are what helps me and maybe they can help you too. 


  1. I also try to get my assignments done right away so that I can have some free time to myself. I think that making time to enjoy yourself is very important. We all need to have some fun in our life. Sometimes, I struggle with keeping a positive mindset because things can be overwhelming. However, when I remain positive, I notice I get more things done.


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